Minecraft – How far do chests render from


I've been looking around Google, I've gotten no answers. The wiki page said nothing about rendering. How far do chests render from? Are they like normal blocks? In other words, how far away do you have to be from a chest in order for it to disappear?

Best Answer

This is because of performance reasons. See Jeb's comment on MC-3336.

I tested render distances of various entities and the following is the result I got:

|                      Entity                        | Disappear |   Appear  |
| Item                                               |        16 |        16 |
| Leash Knot                                         |        32 |        32 |
| Painting                                           |        45 |        45 |
| Minecart                                           |        57 |        57 |
| Chest, Sign, Banner, Skull, Enchanting Table Book  |        64 |        64 |
| Boat                                               |        77 |        77 |
| Mobs                                               |        82 |        77 |
| Armor Stand, Item Frame                            |       146 |       142 |

All numbers are in meters(blocks).