Minecraft Java Edition – Maximum Height a Player Can Reach


In Minecraft, you can only build up to a certain height limit (which is something around 256). However, if a player uses mods/hacks to go above the limit (Or simply goes into Creative Mode), then they can go above the height limit.

How high is the player height limit in Minecraft? Is there even a limit to it? I've tried testing this myself, but my thumb started hurting when I reached Y= 1000.

Best Answer

There is no limit to a player's height. The Y coordinate is tracked with the same size of variable as the X and Z, so you can go as infinitely* high as you can travel infinitely* far. There is no extra limitation placed on player height, so the only limitation is how to get there.

With cheats on, you can use /tp to experiment with how high you can go, and you can see your position by toggling on the debug screen with F3.

* Not actually infinite, but it takes many days of real time to walk that far.