Minecraft Java Edition – Number of World Seeds


I was wondering about how many seeds are in Minecraft(1.8.7) and how it ocuppies so few disk space? I think that there are a lot of seeds per world type, calculating this also for EVERY customized combinations. I am sure that they are over zillions. Can you tell me the number of seeds?

Best Answer

There are 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 (264) possible seeds. All seeds are a number, if letters are entered into the seed box, Java's hashCode() function is used to turn it into a number.

Seeds do not use up much disk space (stored as a long integer, meaning just 8 bytes per world) because only a seed that has been chosen for a world is stored; not all 18 quintillion. When a seed is needed for world generation, a random one is generated from the system clock (or entered manually by the user) and is then stored and used to generate the world.

How many possible worlds can generate, including customization options? Probably more than any computer can calculate given all of the float sliders available in a customized world.

Here's an image showing a randomly generated seed:

enter image description here

-3,010,441,696,458,036,422 is far lower than both -2,147,483,648 and -140,737,488,355,328. This means that seeds use higher than 32 bit and 48 bit signed integer ranges.