Minecraft – How much iron ore is there


I play Minecraft on the Xbox. I'm a bit of a resource hoarder. I'm just wondering if I need to be.

I know that there are a lot of resources in the world, but I also know that the world is of a limited size (currently 864 x 864) – thus there is a limit to the amount of resources that one can collect.

Is there an a way to predict how many of the valuable, non-renewable resources (specifically iron, gold and diamond) there are in the world? Yes, I realize this would vary greatly depending on the numbers of each biome that generates with a world (a dominately ocean world would likely have fewer resources).

Note: Currently iron is not renewable

  • there are no iron golems
  • it is not a drop (even a rare one) by any mob
  • trading has not been implemented

Best Answer

The average number of iron ores per chunk is 77. Although this information comes from the full game, the distribution does not appear to have changed since the version that xbox Minecraft is based on.

There are 54 * 54 chunks in xbox Minecraft.

77 * 54 * 54 = 224532 iron ingots on average.