Minecraft – How to add Minecraft client mods to Spout / Spoutcraft


Spout is a bukkit plugin that allows some nice interaction with the modified client Spoutcraft, for example using server-side defined texture packs and which mods the client will use. This does include a feature to prevent players from cheating by installing client mods the usual way, since Spoutcraft checks for modifications of minecraft.jar.

Now since the server determines via Spout which mods the client uses, how can I set it up to provide normal client mods like TooManyItems, Rei's Minimap or the client-side part of IndustrialCraft²?

Best Answer

That isn't what Spout does, unfortunately. Spout adds an API for Bukkit plugins to control some aspects of the client. It does not add any support for additional client mods automatically. Some Bukkit plugins support Spout to add additional GUI elements, but that's all it does.

In theory, doing what you want could be possible, but you'd need someone to port your client mods to Bukkit plugins using Spout. Until then, you can't do that.