Minecraft – How to allow other players on the server to use commands like teleport, but not spawn in items


I play on the DivineJourney modpack with a friend, but he wants to constantly spawn things in. Is there any way to allow him to be able to use the teleport command, but not be able to spawn in items?

I've already locked the NEI mode to Recipe.

I've looked around for a mod for plug-ins for Forge (as thats what the server is on) but I couldn't find anything thats up to date. I found Sponge, but thats for 1.8+, and I need 1.7.10.

Best Answer

Yes, using the ForgeEssentials Mod for Minecraft 1.7.10.

*This is a MOD, not a plugin, so there is no need for sponge, etc.

On their website: http://forgeessentials.com/

It details:


FE adds the most powerful permission system ever seen in Minecraft. Make usergroups and restrict permissions for guests to keep your server grief-free. With over 250 basic permissions and hundreds of block- / item-based permissions there is nearly nothing you cannot do

By using their WIKI: https://github.com/ForgeEssentials/ForgeEssentials/wiki/Permissions-tutorial

We can use the permissions to do what you need.

/p group nocheat create

This creates an empty group called "nocheat"

Then we need to deny them the "/give" permission (that is how NEI gives items to players)

/p group nocheat deny minecraft.give minecraft.give.*


/p group nocheat deny fe.give fe.give.*

Then your friends should not be able to summon items, but still teleport!

You can also use this for all of your permissions from now on.