Minecraft – How to automate inserting items into specific inventory slots


Nuclear Reactor Picture

This is my nuclear reactor, I have a chest and a hopper connected to the top. I want to import items into the chest (or the reactor directly) so that the reactor is always full.
However, I need to do this so that the pattern of the cells and heat vents remains the same, is this possible?

Best Answer

It may be possible to use computercraft turtles for this automation. Programmed correctly, they can insert objects from a selected inventory slot of the turtle into a certain chest. Connecting that and the thermal/energy sensors from Nuclear Control, you can determine what the reactor needs eg. output is down so add uranium, heat is increasing so replace vent/exchanger. It may be necessary to remove everything and reinsert in the correct order if more than one part wears out simultaneously. Play around with it, this is the fun part.