Minecraft – How to change the name using command blocks


Is there any command in Minecraft where I can change my username in the chat, tab and my name tag above my skin?
And no I'm not noob, I know I can change it on mojangs service, what I mean is like I'm creating a minigame using command blocks and someone is Herobrine then their display name will change to Herobrine. (The UUID is still the same for this player)

Best Answer

There is no command to change a player's name.

As a workaround, you could fake it by hiding the player's name whilst teleporting a named entity onto them.

To hide a player's name tag, put them on a separate team and change the nametagVisibility option:

/team add HerobrineTeam
/team modify HerobrineTeam nametagVisibility never

Then summon a named entity, such as a marker armorstand:

/summon armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:'"Herobrine"',CustomNameVisible:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b}

You can teleport that entity to the player on a clock with something like:

/execute at @p[team=HerobrineTeam] run tp @e[type=armor_stand,name=Herobrine] ~ ~1.7 ~