minecraft-java-edition,minecraft-commands – How to Check if a Specific Entity Type is Not Around in Minecraft Java Edition


I am designing a minigame where players have to kill all the animals summoned in with tag "summoned". I know that if I want to check if they are still alive I can do:

testfor @e[tag=summoned]

But the command:

testfor @e[tag=!summoned]

Simply finds entities that don't have the tag. My old solution was a comparator coming out of the first command, facing into a block with a torch on the other side, but I want a more elegant solution preferably using chain command blocks. Any ideas?

Best Answer

Here is one solution that works, but I am not sure I would use elegant to describe it. It involves creating a scoreboard objective to create an inversion. First the score is set to 1 for a fake player and then an execute command resets the score. If no tagged entities exist, the score does not get reset. Then you can test for the score.

Create a dummy objective:

/scoreboard objectives add Invert dummy

Create a Repeat Unconditional Always Active command block with command:

scoreboard players set FakePlayer Invert 1

Follow with a Chain Unconditional Always Active command block with command:

execute @e[tag=summoned] ~ ~ ~ scoreboard players reset FakePlayer Invert

Create another Repeat Unconditional Always Active command block with command:

scoreboard players test FakePlayer Invert 1

Follow that with a Chain Conditional Always Active command block. This block is used to run whatever commands you want after the entities have all been killed. Note: this command will run repeatedly unless you stop the system.

Also, if you don't mind having an extra armor stand to store data as part of your system, you could use a scoreboard tag instead of adding an objective.