Minecraft – How to convert the text from a /title to a /tellraw


I need to convert a /title text into a /tellraw. How can I do this?


/title @a actionbar [{"color":"yellow","text":" "},{"color":"none","selector":"@a[score_playerKill_min=1]"},{"color":"white","text":" has just killed "},{"color":"yellow","text":""},{"color":"none","selector":"@a[score_playerDeath_min=1]"}]

Best Answer

/tellraw uses the same JSON text component format as /title, so you should just be able to do:

/tellraw @a [{"color":"yellow","text":" "},{"color":"none","selector":"@a[score_playerKill_min=1]"},{"color":"white","text":" has just killed "},{"color":"yellow","text":""},{"color":"none","selector":"@a[score_playerDeath_min=1]"}]
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