Minecraft – How to destroy a block from afar


I've been playing on the PPCG Minecraft server for a little while, and I've managed to build a fairly decent tower, but someone has decided to do this, right next to the top:

enter image description here

While I could build out and get it, I don't have a silk touch pickaxe, which means I'd have to make more glass, and I'd lose some resources due to the height as well.

Is there any way that I can destroy this block from afar? Do note, I don't have command privileges.

Best Answer

Instead of building a bridge you can also build a pile. Position yourself underneath the floating block and start placing blocks below you.

Character standing on pile.

After your done destroying the floating block start digging down till you reach the ground. This way you don't have to break any glass in your tower and you don't lose any resources beside some tool durability.