Minecraft – How to determine the bottleneck for block lag


There are some questions on this already, but many of them seem to apply to 1.9 only, or be caused by a broken version of Java. What I want to know instead is how to actually determine the bottleneck myself.

How can I tell if it's RAM? (And if it is, can a swapfile fix this?)
Do I have the Java -Xmx etc. parameters set incorrectly?
Is it the CPU, the network connection itself, something else?

I'm asking for a troubleshooting guide, not a solution for one specific situation or modpack
(which, in my case, would be a Hexxit server on a Raspberry Pi 3 with OSMC)

Best Answer

A basic troubleshooting guide(by no means conclusive, and based on personal experience): For determining the actual cause, try changing settings, disabling/enabling mods, and seeing if anything changes. If it changes for the better, you're going in the right direction. Minecraft has so many different aspects, it's very hard to figure out the exact problem.

Step 1: Know your mods. Certain mods will interact badly with each other, e.g. Logistics pipes and EE2, when hooked up together, make a lot of lag. Step 2: As you mentioned, RAM is important. Everything depends on how many mods you are running, how many players you have, how many dimensions and chunks etc. If you haven't dedicated enough RAM, or have used the wrong arguments, you'll be slow on everything. For reference, the right way to dedicate the RAM is: -Xmx[amount of memory maximum, followed by the measurement of it, e.g. 4G, 512M] -Xms[amount of memory minimum, same format]

Step 3: As previously mentioned, certain devices can cause lag. Get notifications on your server saying that 'lag causing devices will be removed, and the player who owns them may be punished', or something to a similar effect. If this doesn't work, consider a world reset.

Step 4: If none of the above options are effective, consider investing in better hardware, or a server hosting provider with a good reputation and non-ripoff prices. CreeperHost is apparently very good, but I've never personally used them. Good luck!

Side note: a Hexxit server on a Pi? You can run a vanilla MC server on a Pi without too much difficulty, but Hexxit... Not optimistic.