Minecraft – How to disable a crafting table so that players cannot interact with it


I am making a Minecraft map with crafting tables as decorations. Players will be using Emeralds to craft items, so I do not want players to be able to use Crafting tables at all.

Is there a way you can make certain crafting tables unable to open their GUI?

Best Answer

I don't know any way to disable a real crafting table, but you could summon a falling block that looks like one:

/summon minecraft:leash_knot ~ ~ ~ {Tags:[{"blockCenter"}]}
/execute @e[tag=blockCenter] ~ ~ ~ summon minecraft:falling_block ~ ~ ~ {Block:crafting_table,NoGravity:1,Time:1,CustomName:fakeCraftingTable}

Then use a repeating command block to run:

/entitydata @e[name=fakeCraftingTable] {Time:1}

To make sure it never despawns. You can put a block with a smaller 'footprint', like a cake, in that spot to make it appear solid.