Minecraft – How to get redstone working again


I am making a huge zombie siege map with tons of redstone. Just recently, I tried to make a comparator clock to activate a command block. Instead, It only turns on and off about once or twice a second. I then tried a rapid pulser with redstone torches, and the same thing happens. I don't know if I have too much redstone in the world or what, but I can't continue anything until I can get this fixed. I have tried every clock there is, and they all run super slow. Is there any way to have the clock go as fast as it used to? (I am on Minecraft 1.8.8 and Minecraft snapshot 1.9, if that matters)

Best Answer

My brother and I believe we had the same dilemma. What it is is that it may be some lag in the server due to amount of things in the world or other reasons. It should still activate as many times as it should. If not then I got nothing but this problem Happened to my brother and that was it. Try and test it by linking it to a redstone lamp or some sort of redstone spawner and see if it activates the same amount of times a minute as it should. If not then it may be a bug. You should tell Mojang about it if it is