Minecraft – How to get rid of zombie villagers in a world


I don't care about having regular zombies around, but my sister and I really dislike the new villager zombie skins of 1.9. Is there any way to ban them temporarily or even permanently in a world? I don't have a custom map like one of the questions before. I just want to clear the villager zombies. How is this done?

Best Answer

You can use command blocks on a clock to mark zombie villagers and remove them.

Labeling zombies if they are zombie villagers:

/scoreboard players tag @e[type=Zombie,tag=!ZombieVillager] add ZombieVillager {IsVillager:1b}

Teleporting them to the void to either kill or force them to despawn, which avoids item drops all over the place (as the items fall in the void to be deleted):

/tp @e[type=Zombie,tag=ZombieVillager] ~ -64 ~

You can also use the /kill command to speed up the dying process:

/kill @e[type=Zombie,tag=ZombieVillager]