Minecraft Java Edition Commands – How to Give a Red Wool with Lore, Name, and Can Only Be Placed on Stone


I would like to know how to make a red wool block that has a lore, name, and can only be placed on stone. I really want to make an adventure map. I tried

 /give @p wool 1 14 {Display:[Name:"<name>",Lore:[<lore>]]}},{CanPlaceOn:["minecraft:stone"]}

If anyone knows how to make a red wool block that has a lore, name and can only be placed on stone please tell me.

Best Answer

The issues with your command are:

  1. display needs to start with a lowercase d
  2. display is a compound tag - { } - rather than a list - [ ]
  3. Both display and CanPlaceOn should be in the same top tag, rather than two separate top tags. E.G: {display:{...},CanPlaceOn:[...]} rather than {display:{...}},{CanPlaceOn:[...]}

Here's the fixed command:

/give @p wool 1 14 {display:{Name:"Example",Lore:["One","Two"]},CanPlaceOn:["minecraft:stone"]}