Minecraft – How to give an effect to all players that are not in the radius of 4 around the villager


I have the command:

execute @e[type=Villager] ~ ~ ~ effect @a[r=!4] 19 5 2

It should give poison to all players that are not in the radius of 4 blocks around my villager, but it does not work.

Is there an issue with [r=!4]?

Best Answer

Replace the @a[r=!4] with @a[rm=5]. The rm stands for minimum radius, so everyone with a minimum radius of 5 will be affected, but everyone with a radius that is less than 5 will not be affected. Your final command should then be:

execute @e[type=Villager] ~ ~ ~ effect @a[rm=5] 19 5 2

EDIT: I saw afterwards that @GiantTree also said this, sorry if it is seen as a copy, but I didn't see it there.