Minecraft – How to /give spawn eggs in 1.10 with a specific name and enchantment


I'm making a one command and I want to give players a Ghast Spawn Egg enchanted with power 1, a lure of Water, In The Nether! and named Nether_Water.

I tried

/give @p minecraft:spawn_egg 1 0 {{EntityTag:{id:"Ghast"}},display:{Name:Nether_Water,Lore:["Water, In The Nether!"]},ench:[{id:48,lvl:1}]} 

but it didn't work. Can someone help me?

Best Answer

You have stray curly brackets around EntityTag:{...}.

/give @p minecraft:spawn_egg 1 0 {EntityTag:{id:"Ghast"},display:{Name:Nether_Water,Lore:["Water, In The Nether!"]},ench:[{id:48,lvl:1}]}
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