Minecraft – How to join servers in PS4 Bedrock


Is possible to join a Bedrock Server from a PS4? If so, how?

Best Answer

Is possible! You just need a PC running Windows, macOS or Linux and an app called phantom for creating a LAN Server that the PS4 can join from the Friends tab.

To use phantom, you need to:

  • Download the correct file for your system from GitHub Releases
  • Look for the location of the file that you just downloaded
  • Copy the path of the file
    • Windows: Press Shift and Right Click the file, then select "Copy as path"
    • macOS: Select the file, go to the top bar and click "Edit" and then select "Copy "phantom-macos" as Pathname"
  • Open a terminal or command line for your Operating System
    • Windows: Press Win + R, write cmd and press Enter
    • macOS: Press + Space, write "Terminal" and press Enter
  • Enter the path that you just copied on the terminal
    • Windows: Right Click on the black area or press CTRL + V (Windows 10 only)
    • macOS: First you need write a dot (.), then go to "Edit" on the top bar and select "Paste"
  • After the path of the file, add a space and -server <server-ip-and-port> (for example, -server example.com:19132)
  • You should have something like
C:\Users\lemon>"E:\phantom-windows.exe" -server example.com:19132
  • Press Enter, you should see something like
Starting up with remote server IP: example:19132
INFO: 2020/02/02 20:48:00 proxy.go:75: Binding ping server to:
INFO: 2020/02/02 20:48:00 clientmap.go:66: Starting idle connection handler
INFO: 2020/02/02 20:48:00 proxy.go:84: Binding proxy server to:
INFO: 2020/02/02 20:48:00 proxy.go:91: Proxy server listening!
  • On your PS4, you should be able to see the server on the Friends tab as a LAN Game

enter image description here

Just connect and you are done! Remember that phantom needs to be running when you want to play on the server from your PS4.