Minecraft – How to make 2 command blocks go off at once


So I'm making a small adventure horror map, and there's suppose to be a death scene where the player steps on a pressure plate and a vine comes and kills them, but I want the command block to not only do /kill @p , but I also want it to say words at the same time the person dies. Is there any possible way to do this?

Best Answer

Yes, you can.

First, get a command block: First, get a command block Then, dig a 3x2 (with 2 being the amount of command blocks, edit this for yourself) hole Dig a 3x2 (with 2 being the amount of command blocks) hole Put command blocks at the bottom (and edit the commands). Put command blocks at the bottom (and edit the commands). Put redstones on the Command Blocks by crouching (default: Shift). Put redstones on the Command Blocks by crouching (default: Shift). Close the top of it with a block and add a pressure plate. Close the top of it with a block and add a pressure plate. Step on it. And you are done :) Step on it. And you are done :)