Minecraft – How to make a good and secure spiral stairway


Basically I want redo the stairway that leads to my underground area. The way this is set up now is just block after block going down. Going upwards is a pain because you have to jump.

Now my underground area is at bedrock, and my 'living' area it at lever 50, so that is quite a distance.

I want to make the stairway shorter also, so I was thinking about kind of a spiral stairway. I have been trying this, but I can not seem to figure this out correctly. I keep bumping my head or I have to leave a gap in the middle, which when you fall off you die.

Does anyone have a good design for this ?

Best Answer

Here's my 7x7 spiral starcase design (9x9 if you include the outer walls).

Overhead view:

W = outer wall
1, 2, 3, 4 are landings
S = stairs
(space) = open - mine it out or don't at your preference.
X = floorblocks in horizontal views.


Start with a 2x2x2 landing. Dig a 2x2 tunnel forward 5 squares (landing is now 2x7x2). Remove floor 2x5x1, then floor 2x4x1 then floor 2x3x1. Notice the lower landing is 2x3 before stairs are added.

Here's a side view before stairs are added.

W       W
W       W
W11     W
W  X    W
W   X   W
W    X22W

Now with stairs added, the lower landing is 2x2

W       W
W       W
W11S    W
W  XS   W
W   XS  W
W    X22W

Turn 90 degrees and repeat until bedrock.

In my version, I place torches on the floor in corners, I mine the 8 squares around the center, but leave a single block central pillar in the middle from top to bottom.

In the original version, I started at two opposite corners and made a double spiral staircase. While this does find all the minerals, it's a lot of extra work. I had hoped in the future to improve the design to allow a waterslide down one, and a minecart ride up the other.