Minecraft – How to make an enchantment with more than standard allowed max level


I've seen a lot of lets plays and vanilla servers where players used swords with, for example, Sharpness X (but max allowed level is V). Or, also, I saw modded severs where you can donate and buy Nano Sabre from Industrial Craft with Sharpness XVII. How can I get such enchantment with in game methods? Is there some mod to do that? I tried Enchantmets Plus and More Enchantments mods but there is no such ability. I want be able to combine two Sharpness V (or any other enchantment, not only sharpness) books in anvil and get Sharpness VI book instead of Sharpness V again.

Best Answer

You can use commands to create items with any enchantments:

/give @p iron_sword 1 0 {ench:[{id:16,lvl:10}]}

There is no other way in vanilla. Someone else might know a mod that does that, though.