Minecraft: How to make /blockdata command work on blocks within a radius of a mob


I am trying to make the /blockdata command work on blocks within a radius of a mob. Basically, I am trying to make all signs around a zombie named "Empty_Child" change to say:

Are you my

This is the command I am using so far, but it only works on the block the zombie is standing on: /execute @e[name=Empty_Child] ~ ~ ~ /blockdata ~ ~ ~ {Text1:"{\"text\":\"Mummy?\"}",Text2:"{\"text\":\"Are you my\"}",Text3:"{\"text\":\"mummy?\"}"}

Best Answer

There's no way to use /blockdata in a radius.

I once made a command system to do something similar, but that's way too much effort and especially too much to process (I get about 5tps with it on a relatively good PC).

So I would recommend you to just execute the command multiple times, each with different relative coordinates, that should be the easiest solution for your case.