Minecraft – How to make NEI use the give command


On a server, I do not have operator status. However, I do have permission to use the Bukkit Essentials ("essentials.*"), so I can give myself stuff and change gamemode.

Creative search is too slow for me, and using NEI is way better. Is there a way to bypass this issue? I was thinking of configuring it to use "/give 4" when I click on cobblestone, so I can get that in my inventory without using creative inventory search.

I haven't really ever done anything with NEI settings; it's all very confusing. But, I do see in Options > Commands that there is "Item /give {0} {1} {2} {3} {4}", so I assume this is possible.

Best Answer

NEI loads a configuration from the server; so you need to ask your server owner to change the command to essentials one /essentials:give command or you can use NEI to find item IDs and then manually use /give with that item ID.