Minecraft Java Edition – How to Create Repeater Fall Particles in Minecraft


Whan you fall in Minecraft, particles appear underneath you. But when you fall on a not-full block, for example a Repeater, you get the particles of the block underneath:

The super ultimate unbelivable grass particles in the middle of a repeater thing full of the new fall particles. Now we have to find out how to make Minecraft show us their super duper one-in-a-million hero Repeater fall particles. Consider using a super mega awesome superglitch.

How do I get to have Repeater particles? Is there any bug making repeater fall particles possible? It seems to me that the fall particles are made from the block texture, not premade, so you could somehow get little parts of repeater textures flying around you.

Best Answer

Currently, repeater fall particles are impossible to create by directly falling onto it. However, you can create them by placing a block at the side if the repeater and jumping/falling from a specific height exactly on the side of the block. Here is a picture of when you do it right: Falling

There are no stone blocks underneath the repeater block and as you can notice because of the red lines in the particles. I'm not directly standing on the repeater because I landed on the side of the full block.