Minecraft – How to make this checkpoint system work in multiplayer? Minecraft 1.9


I have a checkpoint system in Minecraft 1.9 that detects a when a player is standing on a certain block, and then summons an armorstand where they are. If they step on a different kind of block, it teleports the player back to the armorstand. The problem is that this only works in single player. If there are 2 players, they will both keep setting checkpoints for each other, and it will become chaotic pretty fast. How can I make this work in multiplayer? PS: I have already tried naming armorstands after players, but you can't put selectors in the customname tag. I tried using scoreboards also, but I'm not so clear on how to use them, so I'm not sure if I'm going about it in the right way.

Best Answer

At the beginning, in order:

/scoreboard objectives add id dummy

/scoreboard players set @r[score_id=0] id 1

/scoreboard players set @r[score_id=0] id 2

/scoreboard players set @r[score_id=0] id 3


On checkpoint reached:

/execute @p[score_id=1,score_id_min=1] ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:diamond_ore 0 summon ArmorStand ~ ~ ~ {customName:'1'}

/kill @e[type=ArmorStand,name:'1',rm=3]

(repeat for all players, replacing all the 1's except the middle '~-1' with the player's id)

On fail:

/execute @p[score_id=1,score_id_min=1] ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:lit_redstone_ore 0 tp @p @e[type=ArmorStand,name='1'

(repeat for all players, replacing all the 1's except the right middle '~-1' with the player's id)