Minecraft Java Edition – How to Modify Attack Speed NBT in Minecraft 1.16


I was trying to modify a tool's attack speed NBT, and stumbled across this thread. I tried to use the command, but it only seems to reduce the actual attack damage of the tool, and not the attack speed. Is there an updated way to increase the attack speed of a tool effectively, and without reducing the damage dealt?

Best Answer

The following command was generated from MCStacker using the give command generator.

/give @p diamond_sword{AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.attack_speed",Name:"generic.attack_speed",Amount:1000,Operation:0,UUID:[I;-756158760,-1248440979,-1426007026,1776833309],Slot:"mainhand"}]} 1

This command worked for me. As for your command, it seems that Minecraft requires a UUID for attribute modifiers, instead of a UUIDLeast and UUIDMost.