Minecraft – How to remove arrows stuck in a player


When I am shot by an arrow in Minecraft, my avatar now has an arrow sticking out of me which hangs around for a while before disappearing. This is fine right now, but when I am trialing one of my redstone arrow traps, my MC avatar can look a little like this:

My body with arrows in it

Now I don't care about this when in singleplayer, because they don't block my vision when in 1st person. But I'm going to go into multiplayer soon, and having a bunch of arrows in my body will make me look hideous, and I'll be the laughingstock of all my friends if they see my with all these arrows.

I'd like any solution, whether it involves commands or glitches, or some hidden hack that I didn't know of, to get rid of these horrid arrows stuck in my body on my command, or better, to stop them from getting stuck on me in the first place!

Past trials

Could killing the arrow entities work?

/kill @e[type=arrow]

Could clearing my inventory work?

/clear @s arrow
/clear @s

Best Answer

I think the easiest way around this is by having gamerules doKeepInventory and doImmediateRespawn set to true, and then a command block set your spawn where you are standing ex:

/execute at @p run spawnpoint @p ~ ~ ~

then another with

/kill @p 

This should kill you, thus removing the arrows, but have no actual downsides. Not sure if the writing for these commands are 100% accurate. I don't have them memorized

-replace @p with your minecraft username or any selector