Minecraft – How to remove the glint from Debug stick (1.14 Java)


I've been trying to make a datapack, which involves using the debug stick as a substitute item in crafting. I'm using this item only because its the only unstackable item that isn't obtainable in survival mode (I think).

I'm making a resource pack for this data pack but the only problem is the glint (the enchanted effect) on the item, I don't know how to get rid of it. I thought that using "parent:generated" would remove these effects, but it didn't. I'm guessing there is maybe a file that I can disable the glint effect (only for the debug stick though).

Also I do not want to use mods thank you.

Note: I cannot use nbt tags due to the restrictions in making datapacks and yes I just found out that you can use knowledge books however the debug stick also have other useful functionalities and I want to find out if this is possible or not

Best Answer

No, you can't remove the enchantment from the debug stick without removing the enchantment texture from the game (glint.png). The debug stick will always remain enchanted; without mods this won't be something you can change.