Minecraft – How to remove torches upon death


I'm trying to find a way to set up some command blocks in bedrock edition so that when a player dies, torches are cleared from a certain area.

So far, I have this:

All chain command (cc) blocks and all always active, requiring no redstone

cc1: /scoreboard objectives add hasDied dummy (unconditional)

cc2: /testfor @a[score_hasDied_min=1] (conditional)

cc3: /scoreboard players set @a hasDied 0

cc4: /fill -14 27 74 95 35 270 minecraft:air 0 destroy minecraft:torch 1

Best Answer

You have the /fill part correct but you need replace it like this /fill -14 27 74 95 35 270 torch replace air. Don't worry, it took me a while to figure this out myself. I do realize this might be to late to help, but better late then never.