Minecraft – How to rotate the ‘FallingSand’ blocks with /setblock


I was wondering how to change the rotation of my dispenser in this command:

/summon FallingSand ~ ~ ~ {Block:"minecraft:dispenser",Time:1}

It faces down when it is spawned; how can I change it to face east?

Best Answer

In order to rotate a block, you must specify the Block Data which is essentially its rotation. In terms of the actual command you want created it would look like this, which works as of 1.8.9:

/summon FallingSand ~ ~ ~ {Block:"minecraft:dispenser",Time:1,Data:5}

As you can see the only thing I added was the Data tag and then the direction I wanted. The full list of directions and their values is in the link above, but just to reiterate them:

  • 0: Dispenser facing down
  • 1: Dispenser facing up
  • 2: Dispenser facing north
  • 3: Dispenser facing south
  • 4: Dispenser facing west
  • 5: Dispenser facing east