Minecraft – How to run a command after some playsound music


I'm making a map, and, to put it simply, I need to run a command when some music finishes (played via a playsound command), and my only solution at the moment is a huge room full of repeaters making a delay as long as the music, with the command block at the end, which would work, but, for obvious reasons, I don't really want to do that. Can anyone help? If you have any more questions, ask in the comments, and I'll try and get back to you. Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

You can create an structure like that: enter image description here

And when music start to sound execute /time set command substracting 20 to 22340 by each seconds you want to delay the command.

For example:

  • If music duration is 10 seconds you must delay the command by 10 seconds so:

    22340-(10*20) = 22140

    So you must execute /time set 22140 when music starts sound

  • If music duration is 17 seconds you must delay the command by 17 seconds so:

    22340-(17*20) = 22000

    So you must execute /time set 22000 when music starts to sound

I hope I've explained that clearly