Minecraft – How to run Minecraft in offline mode on OS X and still have the name


I'm trying to run Minecraft in offline mode on OS X while still setting my name to something other than "Player". I found some AppleScript written by Naschroe that may do the job:

property user_name : "Player"

display dialog "Enter A User Name" default answer "" buttons {"Cancel", "Continue"} default button 2
set the user_name to text returned of the result

set UsrApp to (path to current user folder)
set UsrApp_unx to POSIX path of UsrApp

set MineScript to "java -cp " & UsrApp_unx & "Library/Application\\ Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar:" & UsrApp_unx & "Library/Application\\ Support/minecraft/bin/lwjgl.jar:" & UsrApp_unx & "Library/Application\\ Support/minecraft/bin/lwjgl_util.jar:" & UsrApp_unx & "Library/Application\\ Support/minecraft/bin/jinput.jar: -Djava.library.path=" & UsrApp_unx & "Library/Application\\ Support/minecraft/bin/natives -Xmx1024M -Xms512M net.minecraft.client.Minecraft '" & user_name & "'"

do shell script MineScript

But it needs some modifications to work and I can't seem to get it right. How can I modify this script to get Minecraft to work in offline mode, or is there another way to do it?

Best Answer

Disconnect internet, open minecraft, and click on play offline. Then, if I were you, I would download and install LogmeinHamachi. Once you've set up a new network and invited your friends, you can go to your multiplayer in minecraft and add your ip address. Hamachi will act as something of a port, and enable you to easily host servers in offline mode.