Minecraft – How to set a glitched text on a sing in Minecraft


So now I know how to send a gliched text using the /tellraw command, and I also wanted to use that text on sings. So i searched it up and i found a command,( /setblock ~ ~ ~ standing_sign 0 replace {Text1:"{"text":"This text will not be seen",obfuscated:"true"}"} ) but, it didn't work, it said that this is a incorrect command. also I tried normal sings and typing first §k and it did show on the sing it's "glitchy" but when i closed the sing, there were just scrambled letters, and that's it. I don't know if the command works on earlier versions, because i was on my multiplayer server i created on 1.16.5 and i had operator here.

Best Answer

You have used both the wrong name and Syntax in your command, this would be your desired command:

/setblock [x] [y] [z] oak_sign[rotation=0]{Text1:"{\"text\":\"This text will not be seen\",\"obfuscated\":true}"}

Remember to change rotation to change where the sign is facing.

You could also use the data command to change what a sign says:

/data merge block [x] [y] [z] {Text1:"{\"text\":\"This text will not be seen\",\"obfuscated\":true}"}