Minecraft – How to slash command spawn Mobs


How do I spawn mobs via a command in Minecraft 1.5? I keep doing the command "/spawn 99 1" (Iron Golem) but I just get a message that says that it isn't a valid command. How do I do it?

Best Answer

That's because it isn't a command. In vanilla, or unmodded, Minecraft, there is not a way to spawn monsters or animals with commands. If you wish to spawn mobs, there are 2 options:

First: Use unofficial mods to spawn mobs. Second: Use mob eggs to spawn mobs.

  1. You can install the singleplayer mod SinglePlayerCommands then type:

/spawn [Number of Mobs]

You can also use the common server mod "Bukkit" for spawning mobs via commands on multiplayer. Add the plugin Essentials to your bukkit server (or any other plugin that allows spawning of mobs via commands), and type


  1. In creative mode, click on the compass tab in your inventory, and scroll towards the bottom. You should see some "Spawn Eggs" with which you can use to spawn monsters; just right click a block while holding a spawn egg.

If you are in singleplayer mode but not in creative, click Esc, Open to LAN server, Enable Cheats, then Create Server.

Type /gamemode 1 and you should be in creative mode.