Minecraft Commands – How to Stop Grass Spreading


I'm trying to make Minecraft Dungeons in vanilla Minecraft but I just realised something: "Since grass spreads, how am I going to keep the dirt as dirt?". Is there something I can do to keep the dirt I place AS dirt? This is in java 1.16.5, and no, I can't use coarse dirt.

Best Answer

The randomTickSpeed gamerule denotes how often chunks receive random ticks. A chunk receiving a random tick triggers a variety of events, which include, but are not limited to:

  • grass may spread to a nearby dirt block (upon receiving a random tick, the grass only "rolls a dice" whether to spread, the event is not guaranteed)
  • crops may grow
  • saplings may turn into trees
  • leaves may decay
  • ...

There's no way to my knowledge how to pick only which of these updates you'd like to perform during a random tick - you can only manipulate the speed at which they hapen.

To disable random updates altogether (and therefore prevent grass from spreading), simply use:

/gamerule randomTickSpeed 0

The default value for this gamerule is 3 for the Java Edition.

An alternative approach would be paying attention to the grass block's spreading rules and designing your map so that the dirt blocks wouldn't come in proximity (3x3x5 blocks area) of other grass blocks.