Minecraft – How to teleport players based on their teams


I'm making a costum map which uses comandblocks to teleport players to a spot.
The commandblocks are setup under two rooms. (One for team red players and one for team blue players). I need to teleport all players frome one team to a spot (-100 100 -100).
and the other team to another spot (100 100 -100).

The problem is that the comand blocks used to teleport team blue are closer to the team red room. This means that I can't just setup the commandblock like this:

tp @a[r=10] 100 100 -100

How can I make shure that one team gets telepoarted to the right area.

Note: This is just an example, there are over 100 commandblocks that need to work. This probebly means that timing it right requires a lot of redstone experiance and is almost inpossibile. The best way would be if there is a command I can just use.

Best Answer

Information taken from the wiki:

To teleport players in specific teams, simply add the team=[name] filter onto the @p command, resulting in:

/tp @a[r=10,team=red] 100 100 -100

Just note that everything is CaSe SeNsItIvE (Case sensitive). It means that 'red' is different to 'Red'. Replace the word 'red' with the name of the team.

To set make team, use
/scoreboard teams add [name] [display name... (This can be more than one word)]

And to add a player to the team, use
/scoreboard teams join [team] [player]