Minecraft – How to turn off item-creation spam in chat


Sometimes while playing minecraft I can't deal with the message spam of other people creating items on my server. Can't see enemies through it, etc etc. Is there a way to turn off -just- item creation messages

giving someUser 3 of Dirt

in chat? The choices for chat settings currently are, unhappily:

  • chat: hidden
  • chat: shown
  • chat: commands only

So every option but the one I need. Any other workaround?

Best Answer

Although you did not specify, I'm assuming that the items are being spawned using NEI. If that is the case, you will want to edit config/NEIServer.cfg, modifying the line

notify-item=CONSOLE, OP



If your users are using the /give command, this won't work but I can't imagine why they would as NEI is far easier to use.