Minecraft – How to update all blocks in a chunk


I am making a Minecraft map and I now have lots of unupdated water blocks that need to be updated for proper flow. Placing and removing blocks isn't an option because these bodies of water are too large.

Is there any way to cause block updates for every block in a chunk? I can use WorldEdit and MCEdit, and also Bukkit plugins.

Best Answer

Unable to test this right now, but what might work with World Edit is to replace the water with something else and then to make it water again (//replace water diamondblock followed by //replace diamondblock water).

If I remember correctly that caused a block update.

If that doesn't work try replacing the air surrounding the water in the same manner (//replace 0 diamondblock, //replace diamondblock 0).

Of course, if it's supposed to be a pool there is the handy dandy /fixwater.