Minecraft – How to update LWJGL on 1.7.4 without a bin folder


I just downloaded Minecraft 1.7.4

I am having the sticking keys problem, where in game, I just keep running backwards and stuff and can't stop. To stop this, I need to update the LWJGL. But when I look up how to update this, I only get answers involving the bin folder in .minecraft. The newer versions of Minecraft don't contain bin folders, so I don't know what to do.

All I want to do is play Minecraft without it glitching up on me. If someone could please explain to me how to update my LWJGL on the new version, that would be wonderful. I am using Windows 7.

Best Answer

Fix: First, rename your old lwjgl version directory. Second, copy the new lwjgl directory there, with the exact same file and subfolder structure as the old one. Next, use the Windows mklink command with the /j flag to create a directory junction, using the same name as the old lwjgl directory. This will make Minecraft think it's going to the old directory when, in fact, it's going to the new one.