Minecraft – How to use the Carpenter from the Forestry mod


I'm trying to craft a small circuit board with a carpenter. I've put a redstone engine next to it like this:


And I have added the needed ingredients and recipe like this:


But nothing is happening. I can't take out the crafted item that is shown. If I take out one of the ingredients, the GUI will display a warning that there is a missing ingredient. I tried powering the carpenter with a switch, but that didn't help either. What am I missing here?

Best Answer

The carpenter in your screenshot is working, but very, very slowly. A Redstone Engine is woefully underpowered for most Forestry machines, and for some machines doesn't even satisfy the minimum input requirements.

For the Carpenter you should use at least one Stirling Engine, though two will make it go at a more satisfying speed. For other machines (such as the Thermionic Fabricator) I've found that Combustion Engines or IC2-powered Electrical Engines give satisfying results. I have a battery of four Electricals in my factory basement right now that are overkill for most of my mid-game Buildcraft and Forestry needs.