Minecraft – If I wanted to take a cat over an ocean, would it teleport behind the boat


I found this on the Minecraft Wiki page for Ocelots:

A cat will not teleport: […]

  • If none of the blocks on the edge of a 5×5×1 region centered on the player are transparent blocks with an opaque block below and another transparent block above.

Does this mean that if I tame a cat (which is not sitting), and boat across an ocean, the cat will be on the beach and not teleport near the water? If cats swim, will they drown after a while in the water, even if I use a lead?

Best Answer

Pets can only teleport to land, so if you cross a large enough body of water and they can't keep up by swimming, they will be unloaded and will be unable to teleport to you when you come to land.

One way around this is to swim or boat slowly so that they keep up. Another way is to make a path through the nether and take them through that way.