Minecraft is port forwarded properly but can’t log in


I have run a Minecraft server for over a year. I had a netgear router on Comcast network. We recently got a 'new' all-in modem/router, one that needed to be configured. http://canyouseeme.com says that the external port is being forwarded at 25565, but I can only access the server on my internal network. This is really bugging me, and I am out of ideas. Here are the pictures I have of my trials.

Note: I assigned my server computer a static IP of so there is no problem with the internal IP of the server computer not matching the IP address that is in the port forward settings.

In response to a below comment: I used to connect to my server using the external address even though I was on the local network. My computer is on same network as my server. I can log on with my direct connection but not with the external IP. This leads me to think that there is a problem.
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Best Answer

If you were trying to connect to your server within your own network, use localhost instead of the public IP address. This would be assuming that you are running the server on the same computer that you are using to play Minecraft. If you are trying to connect to your server from a different computer within the network, just use the internal IP of your server host computer, in your case,, and you can add :25565 to the end of it just for good measure. Hope this helped!