Minecraft – It is possible to save both Gabriel and Petra


I'm at the part where Jesse and his friends; and Gabriel try to escape from the Witherstorm by going into the obsidian chamber to the Nether. In the part when Gabriel and Petra start to get sucked by the Witherstorm, you get a choice of saving one of them first. I chose Gabriel, then I have to duck when to tentacle hits me and then there is a target in it. But whenever I try to aim at it, it keeps hitting me sending Jesse and Lukas into the Nether. Then the portal gets destroyed. I'm sure it I made an attempt to hit the tentacle, I would be able to save Petra. Am I right or wrong?

Best Answer

No, it is not possible to save both. That quicktime event is impossible- people have used bots and still failed it.

The character you save first will escape and the other will be consumed by the Witherstorm.