Minecraft – Keeping chunks loaded without player


I have an automated golem farm on my Minecraft map (Xbox) that doesn't work when I'm too far away because the chunk it's in isn't loaded from where I usually am. So if I want it to work, I have to stand somewhere near it. Is there any way I can keep it loaded at all? Like, if there was something running in the area, such as a minecart? Or will it not work at all without a player?

Best Answer

Sorry but no. A players presence within a certain distance of a possible spawning location. Is what determines spawning.

My suggestion: If you have a second controller. Set up a dummy profile on your xbox. Sign it in to the game. Then leave that character by your farm. You'll have to put up with splitscreen. But, I just don't see it any other way. Other than afk-ing. Checking back to harvest from time to time.