Minecraft – Lighting Issue in Minecraft


I was experimenting with the Nodus client on 1.8.3 and tried out x-ray mode, whenever that is enabled the chunks auto refresh. When I turn it off, I have lighting issues in my single player world even with the vanilla launcher, as shown below (click to enlarge).


Areas that should not be lit at all are always bright.

I currently have no idea how to fix this and it is rather annoying having areas completely bright. I tried placing torches in areas and breaking them but that did not work out. I also tried doing F3 + auto refresh chunks and other debug tools.

Is there any way that I can fix this or am I stuck with this issue?

Best Answer

This happens when a player burns down a large chunk of forest at once. This can be easily fixed by using MCEdit to relight those chunks:

  1. Open the world in MCEdit via Quick Load or Open... buttons
  2. Select Chunk control in the toolbar
  3. Select the chunks to relight
  4. Click Relight
  5. Save the world: Menu > Save
