Minecraft – logic gate for this


I have a set of lights that turn on based on time of day. I want to be able to turn on a separate switch and have the lights blink on and off with a clock I've already built.

So basically, is there a way to ignore input A if input B is detected?

Best Answer

Check out the Implies Gate. It would allow power flow unless, in your case, B is detected, in which it will be off

In the example below we have a 5-clock pulser in the left, this connects to a Implies gate where in A implies B. A in this case is your switch saying whether to flash or go off sunlight. On the other side of this switch, we are inverting the switch with a not gate and implying with the light detector (In diagram the light detector is the switch close to the clock). These two outputs, the implies clock and implies light and then put into a final and gate the output of which powers your lamps.

enter image description here