Minecraft – Login System on Vanilla Server


I am currently working on my vanilla minecraft server. Everything works fine until my friend use my account to /op his account.

I don't want something like this happen. Is there anyway(command) can let player to have register and login system with password like the AuthMe
plugin? Note that my server is vanilla so I don't want/cannot install any plugins. This can prevent some player login my server with other player's name. Is there any command that can do this?

Best Answer

Nope. The Vanilla platform expects all users to use their own accounts, as that's how it works. Command Blocks can't register commands, nor can they really handle user management properly.

In theory, you can use the /trigger command and a unique number as a password. Kick anyone with that username that doesn't have that value set. However, that's unnecessarily complicated and doesn't scale well at all.

The easiest option would just be to not give your friend access to your account for any reason whatsoever. If you really want to share accounts while controlling users, you have to use a custom server (you really should anyways -- they're awesome) and plugins.