Minecraft – make someone turn around in Minecraft using Command Blocks


I am Building an archery range in Minecraft. When the person Hits the bullseye, I want a command block command make them turn around (look away from the target). This is so they can't cheat and keep scoring by keeping the same direction.

Best Answer

Yep, it's fairly easy to do too. This is probably the command you are wanting:

/tp @p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~180

The syntax is: X coord, Y coord, Z coord, Y rot (up and down), X rot (side to side). "~" means relative, so the player stays at the same coordinates, and turns around 180 degrees.

However this was only added as of snapshot 14w03a, which is after the 1.7 updates that most servers and players will be on at the moment. As an alternative, you may want to have them press a button behind them each time they score a point; I don't know how your range works so can't really detail that.