Minecraft – Making hunger bar invisible in vanilla minecraft


Is there anyway that I can make the hunger bar invisible in vanilla minecraft? I came up with a method that would involve the player riding a boat and still being able to jump and move at normal speeds, but that didn't seem like it would work. Is there anyway I can do what I am asking in vanilla minecraft? Any help is appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

As fredley said, you can do this using resource packs. Please notice that this will make them invisible, like you asked for, but you will still loose hunger (and eventually die depending on difficulty).

You can download it here, or read on to make one yourself.

Resource packs are basically zip files containing resources to override from vanilla minecraft packaged together.

First you will have to create a pack.mcmeta for your resource pack containing some basic information about your pack:


  "pack": {
    "pack_format": 1,
    "description": "No hearts"

Then it is just a matter of copying files from the vanilla .jar file and modifying the image as required. In our case we need textures/gui/icons.png which contains hearts, hunger bar, air bubbles etc. Just remove the the hunger bar in photoshop/paint.net or any other editing program that supports transparency (not MS paint).

Finally zip everything together, the resulting zip file should look like this:

│   pack.mcmeta

To install a resource pack, just drag the the zip file into %appdata%/resourcepacks (windows).